University of Michigan Courses
The University of Michigan is a public research university located in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the United States.
The University of Michigan is a public research university located in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the United States.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeIn this Teach-Out you will experience some of our extraordinary planet's natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts one of the most vulnerable places on earth, the isolated Arctic island of Greenland. In June 2019, a team of students, faculty, and staff from the University of Michigan embarked on an expedition to conduct experiments and learn about how climate change is impacting this area of the planet.In this Teach-Out, you will join a group of students on their personal and professional journeys through Greenland, you will learn from leading climate scientists about how climate change is impacting Greenland and other parts of our planet, and will have the opportunity to share your stories about how you engage with the natural environment in your own backyard.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreePoise is not some elusive or innate characteristic. It’s a series of choices, all of which can help you better connect with your intended audience. This course will help you identify those choices and teach you how to make them in a way that consistently enhances the clarity of your message and the effectiveness of your delivery.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeThe first course of the Addressing Racial Health Inequity in Healthcare specialization will first situate the role of public health in healthcare, and walk through important concepts and definitions that you will see throughout the course and subsequent courses. You will walk through the social and biological perspectives on the concepts of race and racism, and unpack the history of unequal treatment in the U.S. You will learn about the health insurance system in the U.S., differential access to care, and professional challenges to diversity in healthcare. And finally, you will explore examples of resilience in healthcare that were critical to preserving the health of marginalized populations.
Learn how to make effective decisions using the strategy, law and ethics modelEffective decision making is based on the three key pillars of strategy, law, and ethics. This practical, framework-based course from the University of Michigan will show you how to combine these three pillars and ultimately make successful business, personal and leadership decisions.Discover how the three elements of strategy, law and ethics can be combined as a decision making modelYou’ll start the course with an example of a leadership decision; ex-president Barack Obama’s strategic decision to kill Osama Bin Laden, the founder of the terrorist organisation Al Qaeda.Using a global perspective, you’ll then be shown how the three elements of strategy, law and ethics can be combined and used to prevent a tragedy.Understand how to make successful business decisions through the modelThe rest of the eight-week course will focus on showing you how to make successful business decisions through the strategy, law and ethics model. This concerns creating value (strategy) and managing risk (law) in an effective manner (ethics).Using practical legal briefings and many case studies, you’ll be shown how to attract the best employees to a business, develop successful products, create new business models, protect intellectual property, create contracts that achieve business goals and use dispute resolution processes to improve business relationships.Learn from experts in the decision-making field at the University of MichiganAs the number one ranking public research university within the United States, the University of Michigan has been a leader in research, learning, and teaching for more than 200 years.You’ll be guided throughout by experts in the field, and will cover both US and international decision making strategies.This course is suited for learners who are looking to understand how to make successful business decisions (both from the US and international perspectives) using the strategy, law and ethics model.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeWelcome to the Understanding Impeachment Teach-Out. Whether you’re a republican or a democrat, independent, or not affiliated, you likely have questions about impeachment. In this Teach-Out we will be speaking with leading experts across the disciplines of law, political science, and public policy as well as former federal prosecutors and political candidates. We recognize that impeachment of any elected official can be a hyper-partisan event, one that often splits along party lines or iswrapped up in deeply rooted personal and political ideals. We wanted to create this Teach-Out as a learning experience and an opportunity where everyone, despite political opinion, can join and have a productive and respectful conversation. Rather than focusing on current events that are changing daily, this Teach-Out aims to provide context by exploring the legal and political processes of impeachment, the history of impeachment in the U.S. and the implications that impeachment may have on the U.S. moving forward. In this Teach-Out we will cover the following questions:What are the legal and political processes of impeachment? What are the different forms of congressional oversight and where does impeachment fit in? How do lawmakers frame decisions around initiating impeachment proceedings? What’s at stake? How does potential political pressure relate to the impeachment process? In past examples or in today’s process, do we see impact from media influence or election proximity?Are there examples from Presidents Johnson, Nixon or Clinton that could help our learners better understand impeachment in the U.S.?What are the key similarities and differences between criminal proceedings and the impeachment process?
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeThe opioid epidemic is one of the deadliest drug crises in US history, with opioid-related deaths contributing 42,000 of a total 64,000 U.S. drug overdose deaths in 2016 alone. Recently,the growing crisis was declared a “public health emergency.”In this Teach-Out, experts from the fields of Medicine, Pharmacy, Public Health, and Dentistry will help us examine the impacts of this national epidemic and answer the key questions: What are opioids?How did we get to the current crisis?How can we recognize opioid abuse and what can we do about it? What makes the crisis so complex? Join us in this active and ongoing public conversation as we create and share solutions.This Teach-Out is being offered in partnership with the University of Michigan’s Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation and includes a number of expert voices including:-Jay S. Lee, MD-Rebecca L. Haffajee, J.D., Ph.D., M.P.H -Michael A. Smith, PharmD, BCPS -Pooja Lagisetty, M.D. -Daniel Clauw, M.D. -Vicki Ellingrod, PharmD -Romesh Nalliah, D.D.S., M.H.C.M. -Amy Bohnert, Ph.D., M.H.S.-Larry Gant, Ph.D., MSW-Will PotterA Teach-Out is:-an event – it takes place over a fixed, short period of time-an opportunity – it is open for free participation to everyone around the world-a community – it will be joined by a large number of diverse individuals-a conversation – an opportunity to give and take ideas and information from peopleThe University of Michigan Teach-Out Series provides just-in-time community learning events for participants around the world to come together in conversation with the U-M campus community, including faculty experts. The U-M Teach-Out Series is part of our deep commitment to engage the public in exploring and understanding the problems, events, and phenomena most important to society.Teach-Outs are short learning experiences, each focused on a specific current issue. Attendees will come together over a few days not only to learn about a subject or event but also to gain skills. Teach-Outs are open to the world and are designed to bring together individuals with wide-ranging perspectives in respectful and deep conversation. These events are an opportunity for diverse learners and a multitude of experts to come together to ask questions of one another and explore new solutions to the pressing concerns of our global community. Come, join the conversation!Find new opportunities at teach-out.org.
Harness the power of storytelling and improve your communication skillsOn this course, you’ll discover the secrets of storytelling from expert performers and artists.Stories are a powerful way to engage an audience and deliver impact. Using characters creates empathy, and makes people more open-minded to hearing something new or engaging with a complex topic.Learn how storytelling can communicate powerful ideasBy following some simple rules of story craft, any communicator can create empathy and interest – both vitally important when trying to get a message across.You’ll explore how professionals use stories to drive social change, and understand how introducing multiples perspectives can boost the impact of your message.Utilise the power of visual storytellingYou’ll learn how visual elements can enhance a story and keep people listening.You’ll discover how to identify your audience, and create a protagonist that can connect with them, building awareness and shifting attitudes.Improve the impact of your communication skillsUsing peer feedback, quizzes, and personal reflection, you’ll improve your own storytelling techniques, whether you work with a brand, a not-for-profit, or just want to become a better public speaker.Studying performances and hearing from storytelling professionals, you‘ll end by developing a creative project of your own.This course would benefit professionals who want to tell an impactful story, including those working in not-for-profit or commercial sectors, marketing teams, writers, educators, and public speakers.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeHealth is important to everyone. For most people, that means thatunderstanding the healthcare system is important. As a patient or a caregiver for a loved one,your understanding of the system can mean everything from getting the righthelp, to economic stress in paying medical bills, to medical misadventures andeven worse. And if you’re a healthcareprofessional (or are in training or want to be a healthcare professional someday),understanding the system is a critical – but often under-developed – part ofoptimizing the help you can provide your community. Despite this importance, confident understanding of the UShealthcare system is alarmingly rare. This course is designed to change that – by helping students understandthe core structure and accomplishments of the system, the recurringshortcomings, and attempted remedies through policy reform. Rather than emphasizing complexity (a focusof many other courses about healthcare policy), the lessons in this course willhighlight central themes that learners can take away from the course and applyto their own experiences – and other coursework – with confidence. Moreover, students who seek more advancedcontent will have ample opportunity to tailor their learning accordingly. In addition, through a unique, coursewide group exercisethat will serve as a keystone of this course, all learners will have theopportunity to learn how they can improve the US healthcare system. Whether as individuals, in groups, or as futurearchitects of system reform, students in this course will enjoy a premieropportunity to understand the US healthcare system – and their options for addressingproblems in the system – as they never have before. This course was co-developed by the course director, Matthew Davis, MD, MAPP, and course producer, Michael Rubyan, MPH. Davis is a senior faculty member and longtime teacher regarding health policy at the University of Michigan Medical School, School of Public Policy, and School of Public Health. Rubyan is a doctoral student at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeThis specialization teaches the fundamentals of programming in Python 3. We will begin at the beginning, with variables, conditionals, and loops, and get to some intermediate material like keyword parameters, list comprehensions, lambda expressions, and class inheritance.You will have lots of opportunities to practice. You will also learn ways to reason about program execution, so that it is no longer mysterious and you are able to debug programs when they don’t work.By the end of the specialization, you’ll be writing programs that query Internet APIs for data and extract useful information from them. And you’ll be able to learn to use new modules and APIs on your own by reading the documentation. That will give you a great launch toward being an independent Python programmer.This specialization is a good next step for you if you have completed Python for Everybody but want a more in-depth treatment of Python fundamentals and more practice, so that you can proceed with confidence to specializations like Applied Data Science with Python.But it is also appropriate as a first set of courses in Python if you are already familiar with some other programming language, or if you are up for the challenge of diving in head-first.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeOver the past decade, there has been a growing concern over possible long-term effects of concussion. In this Teach-Out, you will learn about concussions from leading experts from the fields of neurology, engineering, law, journalism, athletic training, and policy about concussion education and protocol. You will also learn from coaches, athletes, and parents who have experience working with sport-related concussions and discuss this critical issue with fellow Teach-Out participants.In this Teach-Out, we will address the following questions:What is a concussion? What is the current and future of concussion-related legislation and policy in the U.S.? What are the biggest legal issues surrounding concussions? What should you do if you witness an event where an athlete might have sustained a concussion?What are the duties of an athletic trainer in the evaluation and management of concussions?What role does the media play in the concussion conversation? What role do helmets or other equipment play in concussion prevention?How can we collectively empower parents and student athletes to take concussions seriously and help reduce the risk of participating in the sports they love? Teach-Out lead instructors and hosts, Steve Broglio, PhD, Matt Lorincz, MD, PhD, and Carrie Morton, are all affiliated with the Michigan Concussion Center, which strives to maximize societal and individual health through the relentless pursuit of concussion knowledge.The contents of this Teach-Out, such as text, graphics, images, and other material are for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in the Teach-Out!If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. The Teach-Out does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the site. Reliance on any information provided by the Teach-Out, the Teach-Out instructors, others appearing on the site at the invitation of the Teach-Out, or other visitors to the site is solely at your own risk.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeThis Specialization covers how to write syntactically correct HTML5 and CSS3, and how to create interactive web experiences with JavaScript. Mastering this range of technologies will allow you to develop high quality web sites that, work seamlessly on mobile, tablet, and large screen browsers accessible. During the capstone you will develop a professional-quality web portfolio demonstrating your growth as a web developer and your knowledge of accessible web design. This will include your ability to design and implement a responsive site that utilizes tools to create a site that is accessible to a wide audience, including those with visual, audial, physical, and cognitive impairments.
Discover how to create, analyse, and report on data from UX research surveysUX surveys offer UX designers the chance to uncover user needs and user attitudes towards a product or system concept they use before connecting these needs to user characteristics.This course, created and led by the University of Michigan, will help you build your skills in survey methodology for UX research.Learn how to conduct UX research at scaleYou’ll explore the basics of creating an effective UX survey, including when and how to use surveys, what questions to ask, who to ask, and how to take on research at scale.As you learn how to conduct a survey of your own design, you’ll build your skills in developing A/B testing techniques as well as analysing and reporting on large scale UX surveys and unmoderated studies.Use online surveys and web analytics to improve UXThe course will also introduce you to using web analytics to gain UX insights remotely from a large number of users.As you learn more about behavioural analytics and preference testing, you’ll discover how to critique user surveys so that you can extract actionable insights to inform your UX design.Explore the possibilities of remote testingWith the evolution of technology, UX researchers now have more opportunities to test and research products in new and exciting ways.On this course, you’ll look at the different types of tests and data that remote testing can offer, as well as how to create successful remote studies that will yield actionable findings.This course is designed for anyone looking to gain experience in UX principles, techniques and processes, specifically in the areas of UX research and online UX testing at scale.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeEste curso apresentará as estruturas de dados centrais da linguagem de programação Python. Vamos superar os fundamentos da programação de procedimentos e explorar como podemos usar as estruturas de dados integradas do Python, como listas, dicionários e tuplas, para realizar análises de dados cada vez mais complexas. Este curso cobrirá os capítulos 6 a 10 do livro “Python para Todos”.Este curso aborda o Python 3.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely FreeThis engaging course is designed to help you achieve the success that you desire. Drawing on decades of scientific research, you will learn what the most successful people do differently than others, why IQ is not the most significant predictor of success (and can sometimes backfire), and why many commonly held beliefs hold people back from achieving their goals.Although this course is based on the science of success, you will learn many practical ideas that you can apply to your own life immediately, particularly in three main areas:•Getting better results at work (and school) •Achieving career success (however you define success) •Enjoying a meaningful, happy, and healthy lifeBy the time you finish this course you will know more than most people know about what predicts success in life. One of the most important lessons you’ll learn is that success is earned day-by-day through small wins - small, achievable actions that together can help you achieve your goals sooner and exceed even your own expectations. Therefore, you will have an opportunity to complete a detailed action plan through which you can turn what you learned into specific steps for achieving your most treasured life goals.
Class Central TipsLearn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely Freeسيتعرف الطلاب خلال هذه الدورة على أساسيات لغة الاستعلام البنوية (SQL) وتصميم قاعدة البيانات الأساسية لتخزين البيانات كجزءٍ من جمع البيانات متعددة الخطوات وتحليلها ومعالجتها. تستخدم الدورة التدريبية SQLite3 قاعدة بيانات لها. نعمل أيضًا على إنشاء متتبعات الويب وعمليات جمع البيانات متعددة الخطوات وتصورها. نستخدم مكتبة D3.js لإجراء تصور البيانات الأساسية. تتناول هذه الدورة الفصلين 14 و15 من كتاب "Python for Everybody". كي تجتاز هذه الدورة، ينبغي أن تكون على دراية بالمواد المذكورة في الفصل الأول إلى الفصل 13 من الكتاب الدراسي والدورات الثلاث الأولى في هذا التخصص. تتناول هذه الدورة Python 3.