Health & Medicine
Learn Health & Medicine with free online courses and MOOCs from UCT, UTAS, Yale, Wageningen UR and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Learn Health & Medicine with free online courses and MOOCs from UCT, UTAS, Yale, Wageningen UR and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
In this learning path, learn science-based skills to support your mental health during challenging times. These courses cover topics such as building resilience, minding your mind while working from home, avoiding burnout, managing difficult feelings, and managing your emotions.Develop practical coping skills.Apply proven practices to support your mental health.Enhance your resilience.
The course includes the following main practices and activities:Preparatory practices including Sukshmavyayama, Breathing Exercises, Loosening Practices, Suryanamaskara or Sun Salutation, Asanas, Kriyas, Bandhas, Mudras, Pranayama, Dhyana or Meditation, chanting of shlokas, bhajans and patriotic songs and activities such as krida yoga, karma yoga activities, ananda sabha or happy assembly including presentations and skits, dramas and many more such activities which help a yoga practitioner grow from tamas to rajas to sattva and eventually to gunaathita sthiti or attainmentRelaxation Techniques include Quick Relaxation Techniques and Deep Relaxation TechniquesThe Preparatory practices for Yoga Practices 1 include:Scandha Chanchalana and PadasanchalanaThe Breathing Exercises for this course Yoga Practices 1 include:Tiger BreathingThe Loosening Practices for this course Yoga Practices 1 include:Ankle Bending and Side BendingThe Asanas or the postures in this Yoga Practices 1 course include:Padahastasana, Parsavakonasana, Bakasana, Padmasana, Vjrasana, Suptavajrasana, Vakrasana, Mayurasana, Dhanurasana, Sarvangasana and ChakrasanaKriyas included in the Yoga Practices 1 course are:TratakaPranayama practices in the course Yoga Practices 1 includeBastrika, Ujjai, Sitali, Sitkari and BrahmariMudras include Brahma mudraIn this course, we learn the Mindfulness MeditationThe course includes Unity in Diversity shlokasangrahah or collection of chants.The students are expected to develop a skit / drama based on their understanding of the shlokasangrahah. This will be presented in the Ananda Sabha or Happy assemblyOne of the most important qualities that a student should develop is to ask questions. So, I encourage you all as your Course Coordinator to send all your questions that may arise in you. We will be quick to respond to your questions and facilitate your spiritual growth.
Build your entrepreneurial skills for success in the food and beverage industryGain a competitive edge in the food and beverage industry and develop skills as a restaurateur, wine taster, and chef.
This course is developed with the help of subject experts by Clinical Development Services Agency (CDSA), an extramural unit of Translational Health Science & Technology Institute (THSTI), Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. The course has been reviewed for it’s content and quality by Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Demonstration of safety and efficacy of medical device and in vitro diagnostic (IVD) kit for use in humans is essential before the product can be approved for import or manufacturing and marketing in the country. Medical devices are currently regulated under the definition of DRUG. The Rules are:-Rules 109-A - Labeling of medical devices Rule 125-A - Standards for medical devices Schedule M III - QMS requirements Schedule R- Standard for mechanical contraceptives Schedule R1-Standards for medical devices Schedule DII -Annexure B – IVD Recent amendments made under the Medical Devices rules & “Medical Devices Rules 2017’’ [G.S.R. 78 (E) Dated the 31st January 2017] are published and are mandatory w. e. f. 1st January 2018.Upon completion of this online course, the trainees will understand: Medical device and in vitro diagnostic (IVD), classification and types of medical devicesStandards of medical device and testing, personnel involved, Quality Assurance, Quality Management SystemManufacturing license, inspection, fees, import, export, etc.
Tentang KursusKursus ini akan menjelaskan tentang Kesehatan mental yang sama pentingnya dengan kesehatan fisik. Kesehatan mental yang baik membuat Millenials dapat mengembangkan resiliensi (ketahanan diri) untuk menghadapi kehidupan dan tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang sehat, baik jiwa maupun raga. Kursus ini terdiri dari tiga minggu dan akan disampaikan oleh Ibu Ratih Ibrahim, M.M., Psikolog selaku CEO & Founder Personal GrowthMengapa Anda Perlu Mengikuti Kursus IniSetelah mengikuti kursus ini, pembelajar diharapkan dapat memahami pentingnya memiliki kesehatan mental yang baik, khususnya pada Millenials. There is no health without mental healthTerdapat forum diskusi pada kursus ini. Pembelajar dapat memberikan tanggapan maupun pertanyaan pada forum diskusi tersebut. Silahkan ajak rekan yang lain untuk aktif dalam form diskusi.Selamat mengikuti kursus
Tentang KursusIndonesia merupakan negara dengan populasi penduduk besar di dunia. Angka penduduk yang tinggi merupakan aset, namun dapat pula sebaliknya, justru menjadi beban bangsa, apabila para penduduk memiliki profil kesehatan yang buruk. Wabah penyakit dapat menghancurkan suatu bangsa, memusnahkan manusia-manusia terbaik pada zamannya sehingga perkembangan peradaban terhambat. Adalah penting bagi suatu bangsa untuk menciptakan sistem pemeliharaan kesehatan untuk menjaga roda peradaban. Setiap warga negara harus berupaya menjadi sehat agar dapat menjalani hidup dengan baik. Dalam kursus “Health & Human Capital in the Era of ASEAN Economic Community” yang dibawakan oleh Prof. dr. Djoko Santoso, kita akan diperkenalkan dengan konsep sehat dan langkah menuju sehat. Kursus ini juga tepat bagi para tenaga medis dan mereka yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan, sebab Prof. Djoko akan mengelaborasi kompetensi profesi dokter dan relevansinya dalam bingkai Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN.
Be a leader that can rise to challenges. Captain Sandra Yawn teaches us how to lead with fearless mindfulness.Be a leader that can rise to challenges. Captain Sandra Yawn is a world-renowned captain with over 28 years of experience. Yawnâs love of the ocean propelled her to achieve in a male-dominated industry. In this course, Captain Yawn tells her personal stories and defines the qualities that make up a great captain and overall leader. Discover how to hire and manage teams and how to delegate tasks. Sandy encourages you to create a strong leadership framework so that you can find solutions to the most difficult problems and situations that ariseâand understand how to navigate clients to ensure top-level customer service while maintaining your cool. As an exciting bonus element to the course, you can learn about Sandyâs favorite destinations and her go-to travel advice.This course was created by genconnectU. We are pleased to offer this training in our library.
This course brings together key mindfulness concepts and shows you how to apply them to useful practices that can help you navigate the workday.This audio-only course was designed to help you enhance your ability to navigate the workday using mindfulness techniques. Underneath the surface of your turbulent thoughts and habitual judgments lies a silent awareness capable of limitless compassion. This course can help you open more deeply to the profound inner stillness that is available to every one of us at any moment. Here, Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield teach you how to reconnect with your natural resilience and kindness.This course was created by Sounds True. We are pleased to offer this training in our library.
This course will help you to improve the lives of people with dementia, adopting a person-centred and integrated approach. It is suitable for anyone interested in dementia or for those caring for people with dementia including partners, families and health and social care practitioners.
Learn how to find free, public sources of data on a variety of business, education, and health issues and download the data for your own analysis.Discover how to find free, public sources of data on a variety of business, education, and health issues and download the data for your own analysis. Instructor Curt Frye introduces several US government resourcesâfrom the US Census Bureau to the US Patent and Trademark Officeâand surveys datasets from international agencies such as the World Bank and United Nations. Plus, he goes over data search engines, web services, and even language resources like the Ngram Viewer for Google Books. Upon wrapping up this course, you'll be better equipped to find the information you need for your scholarship and data analysis efforts.
Watch Dirk Fowler, founder of F2 Design, design and print one of his evocative music posters, and explain the importance of making something by hand every day.
The course “Psychology for Health and Well-being” is a generic elective course in B.A. Psychology under the Choice Based Credit System. Over the years, there is an increasing emphasis on mental health since the evolution of the mental hygiene movement in mid-19th century. This "mental hygiene" movement has led to the diverse approaches on mental health promotion. Whilst most of the work in mental health geared towards mental illness, service and care, this movement focused on promotion of mental health. Gradually the understanding that mental health is just more than the absence of mental illness resulted in the development of diverse models and perspectives on mental health, well-being and illness. Thus it is crucial for the learners to understand the well-being paradigm and develop a perspective in order to understand the increasing vulnerability in a changing context. This course enables the learner to explore the concept of mental health and to distinguish the same from mental illness and appreciate the significance of mental health promotion.
El curso de zoonosis parasitarias va a enfocar su estudio desde el punto de vista de la transmisión. Se estudiarán las dos vías principales de contagio, la oral y la cutánea. Las infecciones por vía oral pueden ser mediante la ingestión de carne, pescado, o bien de forma directa, ya sea por agua u objetos contaminados. También se contemplan las infecciones a través de la piel, ya sean provocadas por ectoparásitos o vectores de otras enfermedades, o agentes que atraviesan la piel de los animales. Por último se presentará una guía resumen de las principales zoonosis parasitarias y los hospedadores animales más frecuentes que transmites dichas enfermedades.Cada módulo constará de varios materiales audiovisuales, así como material complementario para la formación del alumno. Todos módulos incluirán una actividad autoevaluativa y una tarea final de curso.
This course is designed with an aim of educating students on the process flow for designing electronic systems for tissue-based cancer diagnosis. An exposure towards developing strategies to discriminate pathological cells from normal ones based on the electrophysiological properties of cells. Design and integrate biochip with electronic module for understanding the electro-thermo-mechanical properties of tissues. microtechnology and its use to fabricate sensors and systems. Students will have an exposure towards how to fabricate the sensors and its application in real world. Several examples of engineering devices used in clinical research will be also covered. Both conventional (class 1000) and non-conventional (class 10000) clean room and some equipment within it will also be shown. Below are some of the course outcomes.The first objective of this course is to understand cancer and its properties: Breast Cancer and Oral CancerThe second objective is to educate the students on the process flow for designing electronic systems for tissue-based cancer diagnosisThe third objective is to develop skills to design electronic systems for cytology-based studiesFourth objective is to develop skills to integrate biochips with electronic system for cancer diagnosisThe fifth objective is to understand how to work in a conventional (class 1000) and non-conventional (class 10000) clean room environment and understand several equipmentsThe final objective is to learn and understand in detail how to design electronic systems with the preexisting knowledge of basic electronics and to add on the 3D printing skills.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Engineering Students, Faculty from Engineering CollegesPREREQUISITES : Basic Electronics/MicrofabricationINDUSTRY SUPPORT : NILL