Social Sciences
Learn Social Sciences with paid and free online courses and MOOCs from Princeton, HKUST, Sheffield University, UCT and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Learn Social Sciences with paid and free online courses and MOOCs from Princeton, HKUST, Sheffield University, UCT and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
"Data privacy has quickly and dramatically become one of the most important tech issues in the world, and affects virtually every institution—businesses, governments, non-profits/NGOs, and more—that uses data. If you manage a team or a business that uses other people's data (to any degree), identify the legal responsibilities you hold and learn how to set policies and develop operational plans that adhere to newly emerging laws. " Learn why data privacy is a crucial issue, and how to manage it.Identify the global rights and responsibilities of data privacy and governance.Understandhow GDPR affects you in any part of your job that connects to using data.
Learn how to collect and analyze financial information to evaluate economic conditions. The role of the economist is vital to helping businesses make decisions by understanding the current, and potential, economic environment.Discover how the economy works and which factors influence it.Analyze financial data to determine how it may impact an organization.Evaluate how economic models could influence business decisions.
1. To understand the basics of Macro economics2. To create awareness among the students about concepts of money and banking3. To help students to gain an extensive and substantive knowledge on various macroeconomic concepts.4. To make the students know the working of monetary and fiscal policy.5. To make the students aware of the causes and effects some macroeconomic conceptsoperating in the economy like inflation, supply of money, demand for money etc…
El MOOC Conceptos Clave en el Pensamiento de Tocqueville del Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales (EPRI) de la Universidad Francisco Marroquín, el profesor Eduardo Nolla nos introduce en las ideas de este pensador para que nos miremos en el espejo que sus reflexiones aún son para la realidad política de nuestros días. A pesar de haber escrito su obra hace más de 150 años, Alexis de Tocqueville sigue siendo el autor que mejor comprendió la democracia. Hoy más que nunca, cuando la crisis de los sistemas democráticos se extienden a lo ancho y largo del globo, es importante sumergirse en su explicación de cómo un sistema político democrático puede convertirse en una tiranía.
Most of us are learning about allyship and anti-racism for the first time. In this learning path, experts Dereca Blackmon and Kwame Christian teach you the foundational skills—mindset, communication, and advocacy—you need to be an effective ally and champion for anti-racism in your organization.Identify bias, prejudice, discrimination, and oppression.Apply a framework to spark constructive dialogue about race.Advocate for a more inclusive environment.
Microeconomics: Theory and Applications presents all the standard topics of traditional microeconomic theory. It covers the basic concepts of Modeling Microeconomics, Application: Market Equilibrium, Consumer Equilibrium, Demand function , Consumer Behaviour Applications and Case Study: Market Analysis. INTENDED AUDIENCE : Students of Economics, Commerce, or Management degree programs.PRE-REQUISITES : Knowledge of Calculus (High school level) and Microsoft Excel.INDUSTRY SUPPORT : Any industry that would like to educate their staff on basics of Economics.
About This CourseThis combined regular and online course is designed for students to understand the concept and process of economic development using the relevant economic theories and models. To the extent development process involves social, political, institutional, historical and cultural aspects, the role of these non-economic factors and their interactions with economic approaches are discussed. Research in development economics ranges from macroeconomic theme (fiscal, monetary, industrialization, productivity, etc) to more micro subjects (infrastructure, institutions, family decision, etc) and external factors (capital flows, international cooperation, global institutions, etc).Central to all topics are the policy implications and the corresponding impact analysis. Given the breadth of coverage, a selective approach is taken, and cases in developing countries including Indonesia will be used.*This course is also available in Bahasa Indonesia
Descripción de cursoEl objetivo general del curso es fortalecer las capacidades del sector público y proveedores de servicios empresariales en conocimientos, herramientas y acciones para promover el crecimiento y la productividad de las empresas lideradas por mujeres. Específicamente:• Desarrollar el marco conceptual sobre género y desarrollo empresarial.• Formar y capacitar en esquemas y conocimientos para la intervención en el desarrollo empresarial de las mujeres.• Proporcionar herramientas y buenas prácticas de servicios financieros y de desarrollo empresarial en la región orientadas a las mujeres.
The course “Psychology for Health and Well-being” is a generic elective course in B.A. Psychology under the Choice Based Credit System. Over the years, there is an increasing emphasis on mental health since the evolution of the mental hygiene movement in mid-19th century. This "mental hygiene" movement has led to the diverse approaches on mental health promotion. Whilst most of the work in mental health geared towards mental illness, service and care, this movement focused on promotion of mental health. Gradually the understanding that mental health is just more than the absence of mental illness resulted in the development of diverse models and perspectives on mental health, well-being and illness. Thus it is crucial for the learners to understand the well-being paradigm and develop a perspective in order to understand the increasing vulnerability in a changing context. This course enables the learner to explore the concept of mental health and to distinguish the same from mental illness and appreciate the significance of mental health promotion.
This course is an interdisciplinary study of the methods of human deception detection from the perspectives of law enforcement, national security and intelligence analysis, criminal justice, psychology, sociology, and communication. How to accurately determine when someone is lying is a multi-disciplinary problem and requires a variety of technological and data analytic solutions. Our primary goal will be to comprehend a representative picture of the traditional and contemporary theory regarding the intersection of communication, cognition, and emotion in deception detection. This is a fully online course that will require interaction in the digital platform with the Professor and other students.
Give brief about course content / curriculum The econometric methods course may introduce the learners to the basics of building, estimating, assessing econometric models. This course covers the following topics: 1. Meaning, Definition, Scope of Econometrics2. Econometric Methodology3. Assumptions and advantages of Ordinary least square (OLS) method of estimation4. Estimation, Evaluation, Interpretation and reporting of econometric models.5. Implications of, detection of and solutions for OLS assumption violations8. Econometrics models with lag variables9. Econometric models and dummy variables10.Applications of Econometric models.
Learn how to protect yourself from copyright infringement. Explore what needs to be copyrighted, how to register one, and how to properly respond to infringement.Many creative people are familiar with the frustrating experience of discovering that their work is being used online without their permission. But not all of the artists whose work is being copied and resold know how to properly manage the situation. In this course, Von Glitschka dives into the subject of copyrights, sharing key information that you need to know to protect your work. Von explains what a copyright is, what needs to be copyrighted, and how to register one. He also explores copyright infringement, explaining where it commonly happens and how to know if you're a victim. From there, he and his lawyer take you through the process of responding to infringement, and demystify some common misconceptions about copyright law.
What makes a law just? In this course we explore fundamental questions about the nature of law and justice through engagement with the great texts of the western tradition. The course covers the sweep of documented history in five units: classical Greece, ancient Rome, early Christianity, the Enlightenment, and the age of market capitalism. The focus of this course is on law, because law is the meeting point between the theory and practice of justice. With Aristotle's Politics as our principal guide, we will participate in an ancient and enduring conversation about the nature of law and justice.
Explore the basics of urban design. Learn how to create a roadmap for growth and design healthier, more sustainable neighborhoods.Urban designers work with a multidisciplinary team to shape how a city looks and functions, helping to make it a more livable, sustainable, and resilient place for people to live. In this course, join Marc Asnisâan urban designer for the city of Portland, Oregonâas he helps to acquaint you with the basics of urban design. Using Portland as a case study, Marc steps though how to create an urban design framework, which serves as a roadmap for growth and change in a city. Learn how to take your projected growth allocations and guiding principles and translate them into a vision of your desired urban form. This includes the creation of new neighborhoods, public infrastructure investments, green buildings, and more. Armed with these strategic planning and urban design principles, you can start making transformative changes in your own hometown.