Learn Science with free online courses and MOOCs from Tsinghua University, Galileo University, UAlberta, Wageningen UR and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Learn Science with free online courses and MOOCs from Tsinghua University, Galileo University, UAlberta, Wageningen UR and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
This course will start with Basic principles of NMR, walk through the analysis of spectra and demonstrate the application of multidimensional NMR spectroscopy in Chemistry and structural Biology.INTENDED AUDIENCE: M. Sc./ PhD and Scientists working in Pharma and Biophrma IndustriesPREREQUISITES: Under graduate level understanding of Physics and MathematicsINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Biocon, Wockhardt, Aurobindo Biopharma etc
This course aims to provide an overview of the methods of measuring the tree resources present in the forest. Going by the adage "whatever cannot be measured, cannot be managed," the estimation of the tree resources becomes crucial for managing a forest. It is important whether the forests are to be managed for commercial purposes such as wood production and energy production, or for non-commercial purposes. Forest biometry forms the foundation for the preparation of working plans that are technical documents for the working of any forest in India. The course will not only focus on the theories of measurement, but shall also provide an overview of the instrumentation basics of various equipments used for the purpose.INTENDED AUDIENCE:Officers and staff of Forest departments, Students of Forestry, Students of Agriculture, Policy makersPREREQUISITES:Has cleared 10+2 with scienceINDUSTRY SUPPORT:Green energy industries, Renewable energy / materials industry, Bio-fuel industries, Paper and pulp manufacturing industries, Plywood industries, Agroforestry industries.
About Course :This course is designed to provide the candidates a good understanding about the atmospheric and oceanographic phenomenon.The study of Elements of Climate and the factors influencing the distribution of temperature and pressure are the key aspects covered. Apart from that the Heat budget, Insolation, Air masses, Fronts, Ocean currents are other interesting topics which enlighten the candidates to have a complete picture about the atmosphere and hydrosphere. This paper also explains how closely these two are associated with each other to determine the world climate and there by the life on this earth.Learners outcomes:• The students should be able to differentiate between weather and climate.• The students should be able to understand the horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature.• The students should be able to describe the relationship between air pressure and wind direction in cyclonic and anticyclonic movement.• The students should be able to describe tropical air masses and how they move and to describe what happens when different air masses meet.• The students should be able to explain how storms form, the relationship between jet stream position and storm movement, and make the distinction between warm fronts and cold fronts.About Course ModulesThere are totally 30 modules. Each module covers one topics, and three modules are completed in a week. Each topic consists of classroom Video with background graphics. Text material in the form of Power point and other material such as, Objectives, Summary, Glossary, FAQ, References, Transcript, Assignments and Quiz.The candidates can easily learn through this material without any difficulty to understand. The greatest advantage in this learning process is at your time and at your place. No any form of compulsion. At your free will you can learn. Candidates are also free to post questions through the swayam portal to get clarification about their doubts.Advantage of MOOC LearningIn an online platform the candidates are having free will to read material any number of times anywhere as well listen to videoany number of times until clearly understood. In a class room teaching once the class is over there is no scope to listen again.Hence I feel the students of today's generation have a great advantage to learn any subject online. Hope this opportunityprovided by the Ministry of India will be utilized.
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with various industrial operations involving particulate solids and its handling in various unit operations, where fluid-particle interactions are of paramount importance.This course will describe and explain the fundamentals of fluid-particle mechanics, which are essential for the understandings of numerous industrial fluid-solid processes like packed bed operation, fluidization, sedimentation, filtration, separation of solids from fluids,etc.Along with the fundamentals, industrial applications will also be discussed. Even though this course is primarily intended for the UG students of chemical engineering, the course content can certainly form the foundation of courses related to particle technology for UG students of other disciplines including mechanical, civil, pharmaceutical, metallurgy and minerals engineering.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Engineering Students/FacultyPREREQUISITES: Fluid MechanicsINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Process industries, e.g., IOCL, HPCL, BPCL, GAIL, ONGC, etc
Plane wave and phase velocity, Representation of short pulses in time and frequency domain, General construction of laser, Ultrafast Laser System: Oscillator and Amplifier, Gaussian Beam characteristics, Polarization and Birefringence in ultrafast optics, Pulse Measurements in frequency and time domains, Nonlinear Ultrafast Optics: second order, third order, higher order, Dispersion in Ultrafast Optics, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Ultrafast Dynamics through Conical Intersections, Ultrafast Processes in gas, liquid, and solids INTENDED AUDIENCE: Senior UG, MSc and PhD StudentsPREREQUISITES: NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Optic Industries and Spectrometer
This course introduces students to handling electromagnetic theory using vector calculus. This enables students to handle problems that are more complicated than they are used to from their school days. Due to general nature of the mathematics they learn in this course, what they learn here will help them in their future courses like fluid dynamics that use similar mathematics.INTENDED AUDIENCE : 1st & 2nd year B. Tech. in Civil, Mechanical, Aeorospace and B.Sc. Students.PRE-REQUISITES : Nill
This is an advanced course in Fluid Mechanics. The subject Fluid Mechanics has a wide scope and is of prime importance in several fields of engineering and science. Present course emphasizes the fundamental underlying fluid mechanical principles and application of those principles to solve real life problems. Special attention is given towards deriving all the governing equations starting from the fundamental principle. There is a well balanced coverage of physical concepts, mathematical operations along with examples and exercise problems of practical importance. After completion of the course, the students will have a strong fundamental understanding of the basic principles of Fluid Mechanics and will be able to apply the basic principles to analyze fluid mechanical systems.INTENDED AUDIENCE:Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringAerospace EngineeringMining EngineeringAtmospheric and Ocean EngineeringPhysicsPREREQUISITES:Basic knowledge of Mathematics and Fluid MechanicsINDUSTRY SUPPORT:Oil Companies (IOCL, SHELL, BPCL and others)Automobile and Aviation companies (GE, AIRBUSTATA Motors and others)
The current core course has been specifically planned for the students studying in the arena of Zoology subject at College or University level as per the UGC approved curriculum. In addition, this particular core course can also be adopted by undergraduate students studying in the relevant disciplines of Biological Sciences encompassing Life-Science, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, Biomedical Technology, Forensic Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cancer Biology, Clinical Research, Microbiology, Bioinformatics, Paramedical as well as Medical fields.The present core course has been organized magnificently to cover all the essential aspects related to Molecular Biology field. The course will provide a brief overview of Nucleic acid background comprising of salient features and models of DNA and RNA. The course will mainly focus on the study of principal molecular events of cell incorporating DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation in prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic organisms. The course will also emphasize Post Transcriptional Modifications and Processing of Eukaryotic RNA covering the concepts of Split genes, Introns, Exons, Splicing Mechanisms and RNA Editing. The course will also impart detailed explanation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Transcriptional Regulation along with mechanism of Gene Silencing. During this course, the students will be imparted comprehensive understanding about key concept of DNA Repair Mechanisms. In addition, the course will provide glimpse of Ribo-switches, RNA Interference, miRNA and siRNA as a part of different types of Regulatory RNAs. The course will also provide the additional knowledge regarding various aspects of molecular biology in the form of supplementary study material.Course Objectives:The structure of the present core course on Molecular Biology has been magnificently designed with the perspective to achieve following key objectives:To provide comprehensive background of Salient features of Nucleic Acids and DNA model to the course learners.To impart detailed understanding of key events of molecular biology comprising of mechanism of DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.To provide adequate knowledge about Post Transcriptional Modifications andProcessing of Eukaryotic RNA to the course learners.To give detailed explanation of Transcriptional Regulation with examples of lac operon and tryptophan operon in prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic organisms along with key concept of Gene Silencing to the course learners.To develop comprehensive understanding regarding DNA Repair Mechanisms in the course learners.To provide glimpse of types of Regulatory RNAs by imparting adequate informationabout Ribo-switches, RNA Interference, miRNA and siRNA to the course learners.Eligibility forEnrollment:Thosestudentswho have passed(10+2)withBiological Sciencesubject with at least55% marksand/or at present studying Zoology at undergraduate level.Course Pre-requisite:Pre-requisite for admission in this course will be(10+2)with anyBiological Sciencewith at least55% marks.Intended Audience:The course has been intended for thestudents studying in the arenas of relevant biological science disciplines encompassing Life-Science, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Forensic Science, Environmental Science, Biomedical Technology, Cancer Biology, Clinical Research, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cancer Biology, Medical Science and Paramedical fields.Reading Materials:References and Web links have been providedin all the modules.Learning Outcomes:After successful accomplishment of the course, the learners will be able to acquire better understanding and comprehensive knowledge regarding most of the essential aspects of Molecular Biology subject which in turn will provide a fantastic opportunity to develop professional skill related to the field of molecular biology.
This course is a basic to advance introduction for the post graduate students in petrology. Geology is plagued by the problem of in accessibility; they see only the tiny fraction of the rocks that composes the Earth. During the processes of uplift and the erosion on the surface, but their exact place of origin is vague. As a result, a large proportion of our information about earth is indirectly coming from analysis of subsurface materials, geophysical studies, or experiments conducted at variable temperature and pressure. Metamorphic rocks are the most common rock type on Earth, and their study allows us to put constraints on the pressure, stress and temperature conditions in the crust and mantle, and on the bulk composition in these environments. Metamorphism affects rocks in three ways; it changes their mineralogy, it changes their shape, and it can change their composition.In this course we will look at the processes behind metamorphism, the description, and classification of metamorphic rocks, and how to extract information from metamorphic rocks and minerals to determine the conditions under which they formed. Metamorphism means change in form. In geology the term is used to refer to a solid-state recrystallization of earlier igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks. Such study includes description and classification of rocks as well as interpretation of their origin. Petrology is subdivided into three major rock types: Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous and metamorphic petrology are combined, due to the similarity of approach and principle involved during their formation. As per the syllabus of UGC based on CBCS, I henceforth use the term metamorphic petrology and thermodynamics is to study metamorphic rocks and their processes of formation within one single paper as basic to advance for the post graduate students.This course deals with the naturally occurring rocks in field as well as laboratory analysis data that provide sufficient information how they occur in the nature. It gives idea of modern petrological theories which are widely accepted for their origin. The course emphasis the petrology which cover the Geology & its Perspective, Career in geology, Structure and classification of the silicate minerals along with Definition of metamorphism, Factors controlling metamorphism, variables / agents and types / kinds of metamorphism – contact, regional, fault zone metamorphism, impact metamorphism. Types and classification based on metamorphic agent. Regional metamorphism and paired metamorphic belts with reference to the theory of plate tectonics. Mineralogical phase rule for closed and open systems, nature of metamorphic reactions, concept and classification of metamorphic facies and facies series, Introduction to ultrahigh temperature and ultrahigh pressure metamorphism. Metamorphic zones, isograde and reaction isograde, Concept of classification of metamorphic facies, facies-series and grade, structure and textures of metamorphic rocks; chemographic projection, graphical representation of metamorphic minerals assemblages; ACF, AKF, AFM and others diagram.Description of each facies of low, medium to high pressure and very high pressure with special reference to characteristic minerals, subdivision into zones / subfacies, mineral assemblages; Metamorphic reactions and pressure – temperature conditions of metamorphism. Regional metamorphism of pelitic, calcareous, basic, and ultra basic rocks and thermal metamorphism of calcareous and pelitic rocks. Schreinemakers rule and construction of petrogenetic grids, metamorphic differentiation, anatexis and origin of migmatites in the light of experimental studies. Laws of thermodynamics; Gibb’s free energy, entropy, ∆G of metamorphic reactions (solid-solid and dehydration reactions); Geothermobarometry and PT paths. Petrographic details of some important metamorphic rocks such as - slate, phyllite, schists, gneiss, quartzite, marble, charnockite, leptynite, khnodalite etc.The course definitely provides better understanding to students for the processes and principles involved during the origin and evolution of the metamorphic rocks. The course contains video, text, assignment; quiz, case studies, references etc and I hope it will be useful for the geology students within and outside India. Last but not least, I highly accept any comments, questions, or suggestion for the improvement of this course.
It will give an excellent opportunity to study and use the century old Nobel prize winning knowledge of coordination chemistry. The study will also lead to understand the difference between a coordinated ligand and charge balancing ion in a coordination compound. Complexation reactions, stability constants, structures, geometrical and optical isomerism, bonding, reactions and reactivity will be discussed. Color and electronic, and magnetic properties will be delineated with respect to their application in analytical chemistry, industry and medicine. Use of coordination compounds of some precious metal ions will be explained in relation to homogeneous catalysis for the production of useful organic and pharmaceutically important substances.NTENDED AUDIENCE: B. Tech.B. E.M. Sc.B. Engg.PRE-REQUISITES: H. S. +2 levelINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Hindustan Lever Ltd, Ranbaxy, Shell, ONGC, NTPC, SAIL, CIL, Waters, Environment protection agencies, PHE Dept.
I am going to offer you Online course entitleGeochemistry.This 2 credits course run online for 8 weeks and finally end with examination. This course is design for B.Sc. Geology students. This course is a basic introduction for the undergraduate students pursuing B.Sc. Geology degree Knowledge in the field of geochemistry is expanding rapidly. Students must understand the important chemical approaches used to study the Earth. The study of geology and earth sciences has become more environmentally orientated in recent years and, as a general trend, has also become more quantitative. In turn mathematics and chemistry are an increasingly important part of environmental sciences curriculum. Recognizing both of these trends essentials of Geochemistry bring an environmental and quantitative focus to the study of GeochemistryInvalid HTML tag: tag name o:p is not allowed In my view there are two basic ways to introduce geochemistry to students. The formation of elements approaches descriptively goes through the formation of earth and the elements in it. The present course is designed with a view to introduce a general concept and principles of Geochemistry; as per the syllabus of UGC the course emphasis thegeochemistry, which cover theIntroduction to geochemistry, basic knowledge about crystal chemistry, types of chemical bonds, coordination numbers, colloids in geological system, ion exchange and geological evidence for earlier colloids, elementary idea of periodic table along with cosmic abundance of elements, composition of planets and meteorite and along with geochemical cycle, the distribution of major, minor and trace elements in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and elements of geochemical thermodynamics, isomorphism and isotope geochemistryInvalid HTML tag: tag name o:p is not allowed Thecoursedefinitelyprovides better understanding to students for the processes and principles involvedduring the originand evolutionof the rocks.The course contains video, text, assignments, quiz, case studies, references etc andI hope it will be useful for the geology students within and outside IndiaInvalid HTML tag: tag name o:p is not allowed Last but not least, I highly acceptany comments, questions, or suggestion for the improvement of this courseInvalid HTML tag: tag name o:p is not allowed
Observar los fenómenos físicos, medir las variables involucradas y obtener las leyes físicas son la esencia de la Física Experimental. Este MOOC aborda un recorrido por la física general a través de la realización de diez propuestas prácticas sobre mecánica clásica, electromagnetismo y circuitos eléctricos. Está dirigido al alumnado con interés en las ciencias experimentales y la ingeniería y que desee adquirir o perfeccionar habilidades y competencias relacionadas con las técnicas experimentales habituales en los laboratorios de física y materias afines. El contenido del curso comprende un módulo inicial de nociones básicas sobre técnicas experimentales, tratamiento estadístico de los datos y su representación gráfica. Los siguientes módulos se dedican a las experiencias prácticas que, en un primer nivel, se realizan en entornos virtuales y, posteriormente, se recrea su implementación en un laboratorio real para obtener, a partir de los datos experimentales, la ley física del fenómeno observado. Se ha diseñado también un conjunto de test de autoevaluación para reforzar los conocimientos aprendidos. Esperamos que este curso cumpla con las expectativas de todo el alumnado que decida acercarse o ampliar sus conocimientos sobre Física Experimental.
Cell biology is an interdisciplinary subject integrating the fields of biochemistry, molecular cell biology and genetics. The aim of the course is to gives basic knowledge about the structure and function of cells and cellular components. The different modules of the course will examine different areas of cellular biology including structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, membrane and organelle structure and function, chemical composition of the cell, cell organelles and cellular communication. In this course, we will also examine the methods to fractionate cells and cellular components. The other important aspects of cell biology that will be discussed in the course includes: mechanisms behind organelle transport and secretion;; the structure and function of enzymes and kinetics of enzyme reactions; cell communication; intercellular contacts, cell surface receptors; extracellular matrices; signals over the plasma membrane, receptors, and cell signaling; the organisation and structure of the cell nucleus, chromatin and chromosomes.
This course aims to provide an overview of the basic process, by which solar energy is collected and converted to biomass, which is essentially, what we call ‘bioenergy’. During the discourse, emphasis will be given on different strategies to convert biomass to biofuels, the review of the available technologies and how these could meet the growing demand for energy in the future.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Bioengineers, Chemical engineers, Energy studies, Agriculturist, Policy makersPREREQUISITES: Has cleared 10+2 with scienceINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Green energy industries, Agro-waste processing industries, Renewable energy materials industry, Bio-fuel and fossil fuel companies.