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Chinese drama picture book


Sold 400,000 copies of China Excellent Publication Award, opera into the school book. Simple and deep meaning of the story and elegant atmosphere of the painting "above culture, below the childlike innocence", sound master Guo Zhengjian undertake audio recording, so that small readers "sound in its environment" feel the quintessence of Chinese charm.



Eat, my little angel!

“吃饭啦!” “喝点儿汤!” “唉,我不喜欢喝汤!” 当我们的晚餐时间变成了有趣的游戏和谈话时间……

"Dinner! 'Have some soup! 'Oh, I don't like soup! When our dinner time turned into fun games and conversation...



I am very small.

因为我很小,夜晚对我来说很黑很黑。 我点亮灯光,好让衣柜里的怪兽不害怕。 因为我很小,楼梯对我来说像一座陡峭的山。 但是我可以攀、爬、跳,然后再滑下去。 我很小,但是我并不孤单, 因为我不孤单,我甚至感觉自己很高大。

Because I am very small, the night is very dark to me. I light the lights so that the monsters in the closet are not afraid. Because I am small, the stairs are like a steep mountain for me. But I can climb, climb, jump, and slide down. I'm small, but I'm not alone. Because I'm not alone, I even feel tall.



Come on, come on!

“该起床了,我的小宝贝!快起来,快点!” 每天早上,为了准时赶到学校,都有一场仗要打。 这是一个关于上学的生动而有趣的故事,笔触温柔而多层次。 它告诉我们,每件事情都有一个过程,总是着急并没有用。

"It's time to get up, my little darling! Get up, quick!" Every morning, there was a battle to be fought to get to school on time. This is a lively and funny story about going to school, gently written and multi-layered. It tells us that everything has a process and there is no use rushing all the time.



Dancing SUSIE

“排好队!”图尔鲁图图夫人说。一、二、三,上半身挺直 四、五、六,手臂向外伸展;七、八、九,一个回旋! 再来一次,从手臂到身体,我开始跳舞了。 虽然我胖胖的,但我像小猫一样灵敏。

"Line up! "Said Madame Turutu. One, two, three, upper body straight. Four, five, six, arms out; Seven, eight, nine, a roundabout! One more time, from arms to body, I'm dancing. Fat as I am, I am as sensitive as a kitten.



Little pistachio moves

“快点,开心果,今天我们要搬家了。 你能把你的小玩偶都放进这个盒子里吗?” 搬家日,让我们来一场大冒险!

"Come on, Pistachio, we're moving today. Can you put all your little dolls in this box?" Moving day, let's have a big adventure!



Run Run and the monster of the night

晚上,姐姐西西对我说: “奔奔,今天晚上,会有妖怪到你的床上来哦!” 妖怪?真的妖怪? 有着尖尖的牙齿的真的妖怪? 快点儿,我要赶紧找到赶走妖怪的方法。 这是一个可以帮助小朋友们赶走黑夜中的妖怪的有趣故事。 勇敢的孩子什么都不必害怕。

In the evening, my sister Sissi said to me: "Ben Ben, there will be a monster in your bed tonight!" A monster? A real monster? A real monster with pointy teeth? Hurry up. I need to find a way to get rid of the monster. This is a fun story to help children chase away monsters in the dark. A brave boy has nothing to fear.



My potty

晚上,小路易醒了, 他想要尿尿, 但是他的小便盆去哪儿了呢? 这是一本让孩子了解夜尿、熟悉小便盆的图画书, 作者用富有幽默的想象勾勒出了一个孩子对于小便盆的无限遐想。

In the evening, Little Louis woke up. Eg. He had to pee. But where did his potty go? This is a picture book for children to learn about nocturne and the potty. The author uses humorous imagination to depict a child's infinite reverie for the potty.



I'm so bored.

周日的下午, 就像晚上一样, 就像下雨天一样, 我无聊透了…… 怎样才能把无聊赶走呢? 一点点的想象,一些游戏,好啦! 提路做好了准备,要为赶走无聊而战!

On Sunday afternoon, Just like at night, Like a rainy day, I'm so bored... How do you get rid of boredom? A little imagination, some games, and there you go! Tilu is ready to fight boredom away!



A small flower

布里格在图书馆发现一本标有 “禁止翻阅”的书,他忍不住把书带回了家。这本书带给他一个出乎意料的发现,也为原本沉闷而乏味的世界带来了光明和美好。故事发生在未来一座荒凉的城市,看似简单,实则耐人寻味,图画美幻神秘,值得一读 本书由奇想国童书出版,有道乐读录制出品。 The Flower: First published by Child's Play (International) Ltd Text ©John Light 2006 Illustrations ©Child's Play (International) 2006 Simplified Chinese translation copyright ©2017 by TB Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

When Brig found a book in the library marked "Do not read", he couldn't resist taking it home. The book made him an unexpected discovery and brought light and beauty to a dreary and boring world. Set in a desolate city in the future, the story looks simple, but in fact it is intriguing, beautiful and mysterious, and worth reading This book is published by the whimsical country children's book, Youdao music reading recording production. The Flower: First published by Child's Play (International) Ltd Text ©John Light 2006 Illustrations ©Child's Play (International) 2006 Simplified Chinese translation copyright ©2017 by TB Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.



Tales of the Night

《夜晚的故事》是林格伦纪念奖获得者凯蒂・克劳泽的最新作品。 这是一本可以陪伴大大小小的孩子们进入梦乡的图画书。 凯蒂用温柔的笔触、充满奇幻色彩的画面, 让全书散发出梦幻而神奇的温暖气息。

"Tales of the Night" is the latest work by Lindgren Memorial Award winner Katie Krause. This is a picture book that will accompany children large and small to sleep. Katie uses gentle strokes and fantastical images. Let the book exude a warm atmosphere of dream and magic.



The boy who lost his bee

书中的小男孩热爱蜜蜂。他观察蜜蜂,和蜜蜂做朋友,给蜜蜂起名字,并且在笔记本上画下蜜蜂的样子,记下蜜蜂喜欢做的事情。可是,有一天,蜜蜂们消失了。小男孩感到很迷惑,也很伤心。到底是什么让蜜蜂们离开了?他要怎么做才能让它们回来呢? 作者以温和而独特的方式讲述了人类与自然界的关系,以及蜜蜂对我们的世界的重要性,很有现实意义。书后附有关于蜜蜂的科普知识。

The boy in the book loves bees. He watched bees, made friends with them, gave them names, and drew pictures of bees in his notebooks, and wrote down the things they liked to do. But one day, the bees disappeared. The little boy was confused and sad. What's driving the bees away? What can he do to get them back? The author's gentle and unique way of talking about man's relationship with the natural world and the importance of bees to our world is very relevant. The book is accompanied by popular science knowledge about bees.



Small candy

天黑了,刷过牙,睡觉时间到了。这时,小女孩看到一块黄色的小糖果。她好想吃啊……可是该睡觉了。怎么办呢?糖果看起来很冷,不如抱着它睡觉吧,可以万一化了怎么办?万一有爱吃糖果的怪兽来怎么办……故事细腻生动地描写了小姑娘面对糖果的种种内心活动,以及天马行空的想象力。 入选德国图书艺术基金会美丽童书;入选德国“白乌鸦”书目。

It's dark, brushed my teeth, and it's bedtime. Then the little girl saw a little yellow candy. She was craving it... But it's time for bed. What to do? Candy looks cold, it is better to sleep with it, can in case of melting? What if a candy loving monster comes along... The story exquisitely and vividly describes the little girl's inner activities in the face of candy, as well as her unrestrained imagination. Selected by the German Book Art Foundation beautiful children's books; Included in the German "White Crow" bibliography.



The Metamorphosis of Samr

本书由奇想国童书出版,有道乐读录制出品。 本书荣获2017 年葡萄牙国家插画特别奖。 一天早晨,萨姆尔在床上醒来,发现自己变成了一头巨大的河马。 他的大脚穿不上任何一双鞋子,镜子里也照不下他的大鼻头了。 门外的妹妹在催促他去上学,萨姆尔心里越来越慌…… 到底发生了什么事? 对卡夫卡经典著作《变形记》的童真式改编,用轻松的心情面对成长中突如其来的焦虑感! First published in Portugal by Orfeu Negro ©2016 Orfeu Negro ©2016 Catarina Sobral The Simplified Chinese is published in arrangement through Niu Niu Culture Limited. Simplified Chinese translation copyright ©2017 by TB Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

This book is published by the whimsical country children's book, Youdao music reading recording production. The book won the 2017 Portuguese National Special Prize for Illustration. One morning, Samr woke up in his bed and found himself transformed into a giant hippo. His big feet could not fit into any shoes, and his big nose could not be seen in the mirror. His sister outside was urging him to go to school, and Samr was getting more and more anxious... What the hell is going on? A childlike adaptation of Kafka's classic book Metamorphosis, with a relaxed mood to face the sudden anxiety of growing up! First published in Portugal by Orfeu Negro ©2016 Orfeu Negro ©2016 Catarina Sobral The Simplified Chinese is published in arrangement through Niu Niu Culture Limited. Simplified Chinese translation copyright ©2017 by TB Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.



Moon diary


Around a boy's dream journey, there is a boy's imagination, a boy's strong desire for knowledge, a boy's persistence and the spirit of exploration!

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