Learn Humanities with free online courses and MOOCs from Sheffield University, ISB, Penn, Princeton and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Learn Humanities with free online courses and MOOCs from Sheffield University, ISB, Penn, Princeton and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Learn everything you need to know about Adobe Photoshop CC, in the order you need to know it, in a top-to-bottom overview of this powerful image editing software.Learn everything you need to know about Photoshop, in the order you need to know it, in this top-to-bottom overview of the world's most powerful image editing software, Adobe Photoshop. With all new movies and all new exercise files, Deke McClelland's flagship One-on-One series is completely refreshed for Photoshop CC 2015. In this Fundamentals installment, the first of three, Deke takes you on a personalized tour of the basic tools and techniques that lie behind great images and graphic design, while keeping you up to speed with the newest features offered in Creative Cloud.Learn to open images from multiple sources, crop and straighten images, navigate panels and menus, and work with layersâthe feature that allows you to mask parts of an image, combine effects, and composite artwork. Deke shows you how to perform important editing tasks, adjusting brightness and contrast, correcting color, and retouching and healing portraits. He also reviews formatting text, printing, and preparing web graphics in Photoshop.Check back every time Photoshop updates for new movies, new feature reviews, and new ways to work.
Neon, VHS, and palm trees inspire designer James White's supercharged poster, created for lynda.com's Photoshop 25th anniversary series.
Optimize your Wacom tablet for use with Adobe Photoshop and get finer control when drawing and painting.If you're serious about digital illustration, there's a good chance you use a Wacom tablet. But are you getting the most out of your tools? In this course, Adobe Certified Instructor Kevin Stohlmeyer shows how to optimize your Wacom tablet for use with Photoshop. He reviews each component of the tablet and Grip Pen and shows how to adjust preferences and customize your tablet to work best with Photoshop. Plus, he helps you experiment with Photoshop's default brushes, natural tips brushes, erodible brushes, and Mixer Brush.
Learn how to scan oversized photos in multiple passes and stitch the results together in Photoshop.Oversized prints present a unique challenge when it comes to photo restoration: They don't fit most home scanners. By scanning the photo in two or more passes and stitching the image back together, you can create a composite that accurately captures the dimensions of the original photograph. In this course, master restorationist Neil Rhodes shows how to evaluate an oversized photo, scan it in sections, and merge the resulting images with Photoshop's Photo Merge command. He then shows how to repair areas of damage, retouch any seams and tonal differences, and sharpen the final composite.
Learn how to use Photoshop to perform video editing tasks, such as lens correction, color grading, and more.Learn about Adobe Photoshop features of use to video editors. Instructor Rich Harrington describes core digital imaging concepts and shows how to perform basic image adjustments, such as correcting exposure and contrast. He also works through a series of practical techniques, from designing and animating a logo to creating a gradient wipe for use in motion backgrounds. The course also covers using the Photoshop editing tools and video timeline for advanced tasks, such as correcting lens distortion, color grading, and enhancing depth of field.This course was created by Rhed Pixel. We are pleased to offer this training in our libraryIntroductionWhat you can learn in this courseWhat you should know before watching this courseExercise files1. Pixels DemystifiedUnderstanding resolutionUnderstanding pixel aspect ratioUnderstanding image modeUnderstanding bit depth2. Preparing a PhotoCreating a new Photoshop file to match your sequence settingsThe Power Place techniqueAdjusting a raw fileFixing exposureFixing contrastUsing Content-Aware ScaleSending an image to the nonlinear editor (NLE)3. Creating a Logo BugSetting the canvasPlacing the vector logoWorking with raster logosEnhancing with stylesSetting transparency4. Animating a LogoPreparing a layered file for animationAdjusting blending modesAnimating a logo with keyframes in PhotoshopAnimating a logo with keyframes in an NLEAnimating a logo with keyframes in After Effects: Part 1Animating a logo with keyframes in After Effects: Part 25. Gradient WipesUnderstanding the Gradient Wipe effectCreating custom gradients6. Correcting Lens DistortionSending footage to PhotoshopFixing lens correction automaticallyFine-tuning lens correctionFixing distortion with the Adaptive Wide Angle repairRendering the video for the NLE7. Using Actions for Video WorkflowsOverview of the Actions panelUsing the Video Actions set8. Advanced Color Grading and EffectsSecondary color correctionAdvanced secondary color correctionBlack and white conversionUsing the Spot Color effectGenerating a LUT with PhotoshopUsing Photoshop Filters on a video clip9. Enhancing Depth of FieldThe Lens Blur effect in PhotoshopCreating a depth matte with gradientsCreating an advanced depth matte for footageThe Lens Blur effect in After Effects10. The Photoshop, Premiere Pro, and After Effects RelationshipExploring similarities between interfacesExploring matched presetsCreating a new PSD LinkConclusionNext steps
Guides you through the brand-new video workflow in Photoshop, from building a sequence to working with audio and exporting your video in a variety of high-quality formats.With the release of Photoshop CS6, Adobe introduced the ability to edit video footage. Author Rich Harrington guides you through this brand-new workflow, from building a sequence to working with audio and exporting your video in a variety of high-quality formats. The course also covers how Photoshop's strongest feature, its image enhancement toolset, translates to video, from fixing under- or overexposed footage, performing color balancing, and adding vibrance and contrast to special effects, such as converting to black and white and using Smart Filters to soften skin.
SOLIDWORKS is one of the world's leading CAD software packages for product design and development. In this learning path, you'll build on a basic knowledge of SOLIDWORKS, try your hand at a few projects, and explore rendering and visualization.Discover advanced SOLIDWORKS features.Practice your SOLIDWORKS skills through project-based courses.Visualize and analyze your designs.
Satisfactory food supply has always been a central problem for governments since the formation ancient societies several thousand years ago. Although many of the same foods are still produced and consumed, dietary preferences have changed over the centuries due to the development of the economy and the science of nutrition. Today every consumer requires a safe and healthy food supply. The primary role of our food is to provide enough nutrients to fulfill metabolic requirements, while giving us a feeling of satisfaction and well being. In addition recent investigations confirmed the hypothesis recognized even in 500 B.C. by Hippocrates, that beyond nutrition, diet may modulate various functions of the body. Consequently adequate food consumption may promote the state of well being, better health and prevention of diseases. So it is understandable that interest in healthy food and food quality and its regulation is growing worldwide. When a product is offered for sale, the purchaser expects the product to be what it is purported to be: genuine and wholesome, and free from adulteration and contamination. Correct information about the composition and nutritive value of a food product is designed to protect the consumer from adulteration and falsification, and requires a well organized quality control infrastructure and food regulations.
About Course :This course is designed to provide the candidates a good understanding about the atmospheric and oceanographic phenomenon.The study of Elements of Climate and the factors influencing the distribution of temperature and pressure are the key aspects covered. Apart from that the Heat budget, Insolation, Air masses, Fronts, Ocean currents are other interesting topics which enlighten the candidates to have a complete picture about the atmosphere and hydrosphere. This paper also explains how closely these two are associated with each other to determine the world climate and there by the life on this earth.Learners outcomes:• The students should be able to differentiate between weather and climate.• The students should be able to understand the horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature.• The students should be able to describe the relationship between air pressure and wind direction in cyclonic and anticyclonic movement.• The students should be able to describe tropical air masses and how they move and to describe what happens when different air masses meet.• The students should be able to explain how storms form, the relationship between jet stream position and storm movement, and make the distinction between warm fronts and cold fronts.About Course ModulesThere are totally 30 modules. Each module covers one topics, and three modules are completed in a week. Each topic consists of classroom Video with background graphics. Text material in the form of Power point and other material such as, Objectives, Summary, Glossary, FAQ, References, Transcript, Assignments and Quiz.The candidates can easily learn through this material without any difficulty to understand. The greatest advantage in this learning process is at your time and at your place. No any form of compulsion. At your free will you can learn. Candidates are also free to post questions through the swayam portal to get clarification about their doubts.Advantage of MOOC LearningIn an online platform the candidates are having free will to read material any number of times anywhere as well listen to videoany number of times until clearly understood. In a class room teaching once the class is over there is no scope to listen again.Hence I feel the students of today's generation have a great advantage to learn any subject online. Hope this opportunityprovided by the Ministry of India will be utilized.
El MOOC Descubre Don Quijote de la Mancha Parte II, aborda 52 capítulos en la primera parte, y 74 en la segunda parte de la obra escrita por Miguel de Cervantes. El curso completo está constituido por 6 insignias que puedes ir ganando, a medida que avances en el contenido, por medio de las diferentes herramientas que están a tu disposición. Las insignias de la primera parte: Palmerín de Inglaterra, Tirante el Blanco y Amadís de Gaula te permiten conquistar la hazaña de los capítulos 1 al 52. Las insignias de la segunda parte: Santiago Matamoros, San Jorge y San Martín de Tours que comprenden los 74 capítulos. El módulo San Martín de Tours, capítulos 24-47 de la segunda parte, tiene una duración de 5 semanas de aprendizaje y participación activa a través de vídeos, lecturas, evaluaciones y foros de discusión. Al finalizar puedes evaluar tu conocimiento a través de una certificación. Las semanas se activan de forma cronológica y dosificada para facilitar tu aprendizaje.
The objectives of this course:• To Import Knowledge of Business Ethics to the Student.• To Impart Knowledge of various Business Ethics practices.• To the student modern Business Ethics and their give and understanding residing applications in different context.
Take your IT career to the next level by becoming an AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional. Learn about the benefits of the certification and how to best prepare it.Have you already earned the AWS Certified Solutions Architect â Associate credential and advanced your understanding of how to design and deploy cloud architecture on AWS? If so, becoming an AWS Certified Solutions Architect â Professional can help you take your IT career to the next level. In this course, learn about the benefits of the certification, who it's designed for, and how to best prepare for the core exam topic areas. Lynn Langit provides a general overview of the exam domains, including data security and costing. Lynn also explains where to find key study resources, such as AWS whitepapers, architectural guidance, and other LinkedIn Learning training courses.
Deke McClelland puts his own spin on the most powerful features in Photoshop, from HDR imaging and video editing to animation and automated actions.Join industry expert and award-winning author Deke McClelland in the fourth and final installment of his popular Photoshop CS6 One-on-One series. In this course, Deke puts his own spin on the most powerful features in Adobe Photoshop, including the Art filters, which enable you to transform an image into a digital painting, and Photomerge, which can stitch together multiple photos into a single panorama. Plus, dive into the extended features like 3D lighting effects, the Puppet Warp and animation toolset, high dynamic range (HDR) imaging, video editing, automated adjustments with actions, and much more.
Prepare for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate certification exam by mastering skills in AWS development, security, deployment, refactoring, and monitoring and troubleshooting.Learn the basics of AWS development.Develop and deploy secure applications to AWS.Write sustainable code that is secure and optimized for AWS.
Good punctuation creates signposts in your sentences, telling your readers when to pause, what to expect next, and more. Learn how to use punctuation with confidence.Help your readers understand your writing easily and fully by leveraging the basics of good punctuation. In this course, instructor Mignon Fogarty, better known as Grammar Girl, shows you how. First, she introduces the apostrophe and how it is used to show ownership, make contractions, and occasionally form plurals. Next, Mignon dives into the many uses of commas, including after an introductory element, between different clauses, and as a serial comma. Learn how to use hyphens in compound modifiers, with prefixes, and as a suspensive hyphen. Find out how to use question marks in different types of questions. Explore how to use quotation marks with commas and periods, as well as with other punctuation marks. After this, Mignon walks you through using semicolons to join main clauses and in complicated lists. She also covers parentheses, abbreviations, asterisks, colons, and dashes, and more.