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Educational Administration, Management and leadership in School Education

Educational Administration, Management and leadership in School Education


Educational administration is a process that includes the combined operation through which a country is maintained in good working conditions. It is a process of utilizing appropriate material in such a way as to promote effectively the development of human qualities. It includes all those techniques and procedures employed in operating the educational organization in accordance with established policies. Here the totality of resources are made available and made effective for accomplishing the purpose of an enterprise. Educational administration includes functions like planning, organizing, financing, directing, supervising, inspecting and evaluation. It is also concerned with elements like setting up of goals of education, review, feedback and innovation.Management in businesses and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives by using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management includes planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization to accomplish the goal or target. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.The course- Perspectives, issues and research in teacher education is a 60 hour 4 credit course having 36 modules. The time distribution will be as follows:Self Study through Video & Text - 35 hoursParticipation in discussion forum - 05 hoursWeb Search/ Library Search - 10 hoursAssessment/Assignment - 10 hours

12 weeks long
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Educational Technology

Educational Technology


This course is about learning the concept of educational technology. What comes to our mind when you hear the term educational technology? Maybe computer, digital tools, internet, mobile phones, smart boards, electric gadgets, etc.?? Is educational technology only about these tools and gadgets? Definitely not. It is not restricted to these tools only but encompasses everything that enhances teaching and learning. It helps in improving teaching learning process and reaching the pre-set goals of education through systematic organization of learning procedures and processes. For new generation learners, it is required to have a sound knowledge of educational technology and its effect on teaching-learning process. In this course, we will be studying about Introduction of Educational Technology, Classroom Communication and Teaching Aids, Instructional Techniques and Phases, levels and Models of Teaching and Understand the concept, approaches and significance of educational technology and explain the role of communication in the field of education.

8 weeks long
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Design and pedagogy of the introductory programming course

Design and pedagogy of the introductory programming course


College level computer programming is difficult to teach. Failure rates in programming courses are high worldwide, and in India it is noted that students are not able to write simple programs despite completing degrees in computer science. This course will consider the following questions.• How do you design the syllabus for an introductory programming course?• How do you teach it so that it captures the attention of students?• How do you design examinations, and programming assignments which are fair and encourage students to learn in the desired manner?We will sketch out a course design, and strategies for teaching the course. It will use the C++ languages, but most ideas will be independent of the language.Important For Certification/Credit Transfer:Weekly Assignments and Discussion Forum can be accessed ONLY by enrolling hereScroll down to Enroll Note: Content is Free!All content including discussion forum and assignments, is freeINTENDED AUDIENCE: Teachers in Computer Science and related departmentsPREREQUISITES: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or experience in teaching computer programmingINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Industries that offer training to their employees

4 weeks long
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Teachers + Mobile = Creative Classrooms

Teachers + Mobile = Creative Classrooms


Participants in this course will explore various mobile apps (both iOS and Android) and gain familiarity on how to embed them meaningfully in various subject areas while, at the same time, supporting the Common Core Standards. Discussions will focus on sharing ideas, resources, and best practices for using mobile technologies in the classroom. For the culminating project, participants will develop a sample lesson utilizing the apps from the course or additional mobile apps they discovered and share the lesson with the class. In addition, this course is intended to be completed using ONLY a mobile tablet device, either iOS or Android.

4 weeks long
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Academic and Research Report

Academic and Research Report


Academic and research report writing is an essential activity for a contemporary teacher in institutes of higher education. It is a fact that a modern teacher has to play a variety of roles apart from that of an academic instructor. Research is one of such major activities for them. Publication of research findings is an integral part of research. Therefore, it is necessary for a teacher / researcher to learn and apply principles and techniques of report writing for effective dissemination of the academic and research findings. This course intends to introduce the learner to the principles, techniques and tools of academic and research report writing. After successful completion of this course the learner will be able to write reports on various academic activities including research effectively and efficiently.

8 weeks long
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Tecnología educativa

Tecnología educativa


Con un proyector de vídeo y un ordenador conectado a Internet se pueden hacer cosas increíbles en el aula. Incluso sin este equipamiento, es posible utilizar los distintos servicios y plataformas disponibles en Internet para crear una nueva y enriquecedora experiencia de aprendizaje. En este curso aprenderá a encontrar información en Internet de gran utilidad para su labor docente. También aprenderá a utilizar herramientas para crear presentaciones visuales impactantes y estimulantes. Conocerá multitud de plataformas y herramientas disponibles en Internet que permiten crear nuevas experiencias de enseñanza-aprendizaje, así como crear una comunicación increíblemente eficaz, tanto profesor-alumno como alumno-alumno. El aprendizaje con tecnología es multi-plataforma y multi-dispositivo, y se extiende más allá del aula, incluso de una forma global.

11 weeks long
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Digital Electronics for GATE

Digital Electronics for GATE


In this course, you will learn all about Digital Electronics for GATE. You will learn about number systems, base or radix, conversions, complement representation, binary arithmetic, classification of binary code, binary coded decimal, BCD arithmetic, excess 3 arithmetic, gray code, ASCII, logic gates and Boolean algebra, Karnaugh Map, combinational circuits, comparators, parity bit and check bit, multiplexer, hamming code, sequential circuits, flip flops, propagation delay, shift register, counters, logic families, and much more.Digital Electronics Overview.Introduction to Number Systems & base or radix.Find out the base or radix.Decimal to any other Number System Conversion.Binary Equivalent of Decimal Number.Decimal to Octal Number Example.Octal equivalent of Decimal Number.Hexadecimal Equivalent of Decimal Number.Decimal to Binary and Hexa Conversion Example.Any other number system into decimal.Decimal Equivalent of Binary Number.Decimal Equivalent of Binary Number Example.Octal to Decimal Number Conversion.Octal to Decimal Number Example.Hexadecimal to Decimal Number Conversion.Hexadecimal to Decimal Number Example.Octal to Binary Number Conversion.Binary to Octal Conversion Example.Hexadecimal to Binary and Binary to Hexa Conversion.Hexa to Binary Conversion Example 1.Hexa to Binary Conversion Example 2.Hexa to Octal & Octal to Hexa Number Conversion.Octal to Hexa Conversions Example 1.Octal to Hexa Conversions Example 2.Octal to Hexa Conversions Example 3.Hexa to Octal Conversion Example 1.Hexa to Octal Conversion Example 2.Minimal Decimal Equivalent.Required bits to Represent a Number - Part A.Required bits to Represent a Number - Part B.Match the List Octal Binary.Find Unknown Value in a Relation.Conversions Examples - Part 1.Conversions Examples - Part 2.Binary Coded Pentory Problem.Signed Magnitude Representation.1s & 2s Complement Representation of Signed Numbers (complement representation).2's Complement Representation Example.2's Complement Representation Previous GATE Problem 1.2's Complement Representation Previous GATE Problem 2.2's Complement Representation Previous GATE Problem 3.2's Complement Representation Previous GATE Problem 4.2's Complement Representation Previous GATE Problem 5.Binary Arithmetic Addition.Binary Arithmetic Subtraction.Binary Arithmetic Multiplication.Binary arithmetic Multiplication Example.Binary Arithmetic Division.Introduction to Complement Subtraction.1’s Complement Subtraction Smaller to Larger.1’s Complement Subtraction Smaller from Larger Example.1’s Complement Subtraction Larger to Smaller.1’s Complement Subtraction Larger from Smaller Example.2’s Complement Subtraction Smaller from Larger.2’s Complement Subtraction Smaller from Larger Example.2’s Complement Subtraction Larger from Smaller.2’s Complement Subtraction Previous GATE Problem.Introduction to 15's and 16's Complement.Hexadecimal Addition.Hexadecimal Subtraction.15’s Complement Subtraction Smaller from Larger.15’s Complement Subtraction Smaller from Larger Examples.15’s Complement Subtraction Larger from Smaller.16’s Complement Subtraction Smaller from Larger.16’s Complement Subtraction Larger from Smaller.15’s Complement and 16s Complement Subtraction Examples.Classification of Binary Codes.BCD Code (Binary Coded Decimal).BCD Addition.9s Complement and 10s Complement.BCD Subtraction using 9’s Complement.BCD Subtraction using 9’s Complement Example.BCD Subtraction using 10's Complement.BCD Subtraction using 10's Complement Example.Excess-3 Code.Excess 3 Addition.Excess-3 Addition Example.Excess 3 Code Subtraction using 9s Complement.Excess-3 Subtraction using 9’s Complement Example.Excess-3 Subtraction using 10’s Complement.Excess-3 Subtraction using 10’s Complement Example.Gray Code & Conversion Binary to Gray.Gray to Binary Conversion.ASCII Code.Introduction to Logic Gates & Boolean Algebra.Introduction to Logic Gates.AND Gate.OR Gate.NOT Gate.NAND Gate.NOR Gate.EX-OR Gate.EX NOR Gate.Alternate Gate.Properties of EX-OR Gate.NAND Realization.NOR Realization.X-OR Gate Example.Logic Gates Example.Implement AND & NAND Gates.Back Propagation Problem Example.NAND Realization Example.Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra.Theorem's of Boolean Algebra.Stuck-at-1 Fault in Logic Circuit.Dual of Boolean Expression.Properties of Boolean Algebra.Boolean Equation Representation Literal.Boolean Expression Representation in Sum of Products Form.Boolean Expression Representation in Product of Sum Form.Boolean Expression Representation using Canonical Form.Min-Terms and Max-Terms in Boolean Algebra.Converting SOP to SSOP.Converting POS to SPOS.Converting SSOP to SPOS.Logic Gates GATE Problem Example.Distributive Property GATE Problem Example.Propagation Delay & Example.Propagation Delay GATE Problem Example.Transposition Property GATE Problem Example.Logic Gates using BASIC Propagation Method GATE Problem Example.Karnaugh Map (K-Map).Rules for K-Map Simplification Part 1.Rules for K-Map Simplification Part 2.K-Maps GATE Problem Example 1.K-Maps GATE Problem Example 2.Boolean Expression Solving using K-Map.Don’t care & Problem.Boolean Expression using K-Map GATE Problem Example.POS Expression using K-Map GATE Problem Example.K-Map & Logic Circuit Design GATE Problem Example.Expression Solving using Boolean Law.Introduction to Combinational Circuits.Designing Steps for a Combinational Circuit.Combinational Circuit Design GATE Problem Example.Design of Half Adder.Designing of Full Adder.Half Subtractor.Full Subtractor.N Bit Parallel Adder 4 Bit Parallel Adder.4-Bit Parallel Adder cum Subtractor.Designing of Full Adder using Half Adder.Carry Generation in Carry Look Ahead Adder.Carry Look Ahead Adder.BCD Adder.Excess-3 Adder.Comparators Part 1.Comparators Part 2.Binary to Gray Code Converter.Code converter Binary to BCD.Parity Bit & Check Bit.Odd Parity Generator.Even Parity Generator.2 to 4 Decoder Design.3 to 8 Decoder Design.Multiplexer (MUX) 2 X 1MUX Design.MUX Problem Part-1.MUX Problem Part-2.4X1 MUX.MUX GATE problem Example part 1.MUX GATE problem Example part 2.MUX GATE problem Example part 3.Introduction of Hamming Code.Hamming Code Generation with an Example.Hamming Code Generation Example with Even Parity.Hamming Code Generation Example with Odd Parity.Error Correction in Hamming Code.Error Detection and Correction in Hamming Code.Introduction to Sequential Circuits.S-R Latch using NOR gates.S-R Latch with NAND Gates.S-R Flip Flop.Equation for S-R Flip Flop.D Flip Flop.J-K Flip Flop.T Flip Flop.Equation for J-K Flip Flop.Race Around Condition in J-K Flip Flop.Excitation Table for S-R Flip Flop.Excitation Table for D Flip Flop.Excitation Table for J-K Flip Flop.Excitation Table for T Flip Flop.Flip-Flop Conversion Process Steps.S-R to D Flip Flop Conversion.S-R to J-K Flip Flop Conversion.S-R to T Flip Flop Conversion.J-K to T Flip Flop Conversion.J-K to D Flip Flop conversion.T to D Flip Flop Conversion.D to T Flip-Flop Conversion.Propagation Delay.Flip-Flop Conversion GATE Problem Example.Race Around Condition GATE Problem Example.Applications of Flip-Flop.Universal Shift Register.Serial in Parallel out Shift Register.Serial in Serial out Shift Register.Shift Register Problem Example 1.Shift Register Problem Example 2.Introduction of Counter.Introduction of Asynchronous Counter.Ripple Up Counter.Ripple Down Counter.Synchronous Counter.Ring Counter or Shift Register Counter.Twisted Ring Counter or Johnson’s Counter.Johnson’s Counter GATE Problem Example.Ripple Counter Problem Example.Synchronous Counters GATE Problem Example.Modulus of Counter.Counters Problem Example 1.Counters Problem Example 2.Asynchronous & Direct Inputs.MOD 3 Asynchronous Counter.MOD 12 Counter.MOD Counter Example.Introduction to Logic Families.Characteristics of Logic Families.Resistor Transistor Logic (RTL).Direct Coupled Transistor Logic.Diode Transistor Logic NAND Gate.Diode Transistor Logic NOR Gate.Transistor Transistor Logic.Versions in Transistor Transistor Logic.PMOS & NMOS Inverter.CMOS Inverter.PMOS NAND Gate.PMOS NOR Gate.Designing of Universal Gates using NMOS.CMOS NAND Gate.CMOS NOR Gate.Comparision of Logic Families.Semi Conductor Memories.ROM (Non Volatile).RAM (Volatile).Difference Between SRAM & DRAM.Introduction to Data Converters.Binary Weighted Resistor DAC.R-2R Ladder DAC (Voltage Switched).R-2R Ladder DAC (Current Switched).Counter type ADC.Successive Approximation type ADC.Flash Parallel type ADC.Dual Slope or Integrating type ADC.Sigma Delta ADC.ADC Problem Example.Resolution of DAC.ADC GATE Model Example 1.ADC GATE Model Example 2.Flash ADC GATE Model Example.Resolution of DAC GATE Model Example.Tutorix Simply Easy Learning Steps.Tutorix Brings Simply Easy Learning.Tutorix Brings Simply Easy Learning.Tutorix Brings Simply Easy Learning.

36 hours worth of material
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Preparing for the GMAT

Preparing for the GMAT


Prepare to take the GMAT business school entrance exam. Get study tips and sample questions to increase your GMAT score.Prepare to take the GMAT business school entrance exam. In this course, Vince Kotchian offers an in-depth exploration of the GMAT to give you the most effective tools to maximize your score. Vince reviews all GMAT question types, offers detailed strategies, and provides tips for studying and taking the test. Learn how the exam is structured and scored and try sample questions from each of the GMAT's four sections: Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, and Writing. While preparing for the GMAT can feel overwhelming, this test prep course will break the test down and explain it simply and clearly—which will help you build your confidence and skill and increase your score.

LinkedIn Learning
6 hours worth of material
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Curriculum, Adaptation & Teaching Strategies for Visual Impaired

Curriculum, Adaptation & Teaching Strategies for Visual Impaired


Curriculum is an important element of education. For students with vision impairments, experiences and concepts casually and incidentally learned by sighted students may need to be systematically and sequentially taught to students with vision impairments. Indeed students with vision impairments may need instruction in a variety of specific skills - identified as the expanded core curriculum. The curriculum should be balanced with due consideration given to the children's intellectual, personal, emotional and social developments. To teach visually impaired children, the teacher should adopt a consistent, realistic and flexible approach in curriculum planning and implementation. The expanded core curriculum (ECC) makes a dramatic difference on how prepared students are for their next environment.

8 weeks long
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Designing learner-centric e-learning in STEM disciplines

Designing learner-centric e-learning in STEM disciplines


Instructional designers today have tremendous access to a variety of technology tools while designing e-learning. An important role for instructional designers is to integrate effective pedagogical strategies to promote students’ engagement and learning. This course focuses on learner-centric principles and practices in the design of e-learning in STEM disciplines. Effective strategies and processes based on research from the learning sciences and educational technology will be discussed. Course participants will explore the application of e-learning design in various STEM topics in K-12 and higher education. The course will expose participants to some examples of basic and advanced technologies involved in designing e-learning.INTENDED AUDIENCE:Teachers, students of any discipline, E-learning industry professionals. PREREQUISITES: NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT: E-learning companies COURSE LAYOUT Week 1:Overview of Learner-centric Approach in e-learningWeek 2:Pedagogical Design: Learner Engagement and Active LearningWeek 3:Pedagogical Design: Conceptual Understanding and Learner ConnectWeek 4:Integrating Technology, Pedagogy and Learner Experience

4 weeks long
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Prepare for the PMI ACP Certification

Prepare for the PMI ACP Certification


Further your career in agile as a PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®. The PMI-ACP certification officially recognizes your agile knowledge and demonstrates your subject matter expertise to peers, managers, stakeholders, and employers. This learning path is designed to help you learn, study, and take the PMI-ACP exam. Courses within the path prepare you for the test and give you the foundational agile education hours required to take the exam.Master foundational PMI-ACP knowledge and concepts.Prepare for the exam with helpful tips. Attain all 21 of the contact hours for your certification.

LinkedIn Learning
21 hours worth of material
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Grant Writing for Teachers

Grant Writing for Teachers


Teaching is one of the most underfunded professional fields in the United States. Teachers often spend their own money to provide basic supplies for their classrooms. In order to bring in new technology or try new approaches in the classroom teachers often have to write grants to obtain external funding to achieve their teaching goals. In this course, we will focus on learning about the different kinds of grants available, the grant writing process and common mistakes that may hamper your success. We will work as a learning community to support each other to prepare a crowdsourcing and a traditional grant application that can be submitted to a funding agency. The overall goal of this course is to help you feel informed and empowered to seek funding for your classroom today!

7 weeks long
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Introduction To Learning Analytics

Introduction To Learning Analytics


Learning analytics is a method to collect, measure, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their interactions with a learning environment. Learning analytics is applying analytics on educational data to infer the student learning process and to provide support. This is an introduction and a first course in the series of learning analytics courses that will be offered in coming semesters. Learning analytics is important course in the data era and it will help the learner to apply analytics on data from education domain and also in other relevant domain.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Computer Science, ECE, Electrical Engg, Biotechnology PREREQUISITES:Basics in Probability, Beginner level programming skill COURSE LAYOUT Week 1:What is LA! Definition and how it relates to Academic Analytics and EDM Learning Analytics Big-Picture.How it is related to ML, EDM Four Levels of Learning AnalyticsOverviewWeek 2:Data Collection – How Big is Education data Data Collection from Learning Environments Pre-Processing Ethics in Learning Analytics Student PrivacyWeek 3:Descriptive Analytics, Data Visualization, Example Dashboard Analytics,Week 4:Predictive Analytics, Linear Regression, Analytics Tools, Demo of Weka/Rapidminer,Demo of Linear Regression using Weka

4 weeks long
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Converting Face-to-Face Training into Digital Learning

Converting Face-to-Face Training into Digital Learning


Transform a traditional face-to-face training into an impactful digital learning experience. Explore general best practices, tips for assessing a learner's performance, and more.

LinkedIn Learning
1-2 hours worth of material
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Advanced Instructional Methods

Advanced Instructional Methods


The Commonly used instructional methods in Indian educational institutes are lecture, demonstrations, projects, laboratory, field experiences etc. These methods offer very limited opportunities for catering to individual student’s preferences, learning styles for achieving the intended the programme level outcomes for making a person employable.A large number of other instructional methods, termed as “Advanced Instructional Method” in this course, enable learning in higher level cognitive domain and in affective domain through group based techniques, use of creativity techniques and offer opportunity of active learning through collaboration. The information and communication technology facilitates not only the use of group work and techniques for immediate learner’s responses of remotely located learners in web based modes but also offers customized learning and standardized learning resources to individual both synchronously and asynchronously. Recently virtual graphical learning environments have been introduced for learning of complex concepts through AR/VR technology. This course deals with advanced methods that offer opportunities as described above.The selection of instructional method(s) depends on factors such as learning outcomes, target group characteristics, time available and administrative factors. ICT based methods are becoming more and more popular as the IT infrastructure in becoming stronger and cost effective and very critically restricting conditions in the recent pandemic situation. This course is intended to provide you an exposure to various advanced instructional methods through several video lectures, video demonstrations, text content, discussion forum, assignments, and self-assessment tools. Summative assessment will make you earn the credit and course completion certificate. The learning effort required by the teachers for this course is 20 hours, which will include studying the e-content and related videos, completing activities and assignments. The final Assessment and certification will be based attainment in on Internal Assessment (30%) and proctored examination ( 70%).

4 weeks long
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